
Cesidian calendar

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 11 months ago

New calendar conceived by Cesidio Tallini, and having 14 months. The calendar has generated other cultural offshoots like a Martian calendar, as well as a new astrology and astronomy. The Cesidian calendar is superior to the Gregorian calendar in many ways.


There are 7 days in a Cesidian calendar week, as well as 2 irregular or special days:


Day of the Week Abbreviation Notes
Jeuday † Φ
Pronounced "Jew-day", from the French jeudi + the English day. The French jeudi in turn comes from the Latin Jovis Dies, meaning "Jupiter's Day". Also known as "Messiah Day", it is the Cesidian Sabbath. In 2020 the Cesidian Sabbath will fall on Gregorian Thursdays.
Saturnday ‡ Χ
Day of Saturn (first day of work)
Uranday Δ
Day of Uranus (day devoted to projects, inventions, high technology)
Neptunday § Ψ
Day of Neptune (day devoted to dreaming, prayer, contemplation)
Plutoday Ρ
Day of Pluto (day of sex or sharing, and day for honouring holy souls among the dead)
Mercuday Μ
Day of Mercury (day devoted to letter, article, or essay writing, to communications in general)
Venusday Π
Day of Venus (day devoted to beauty, harmony, love, affection, shopping and hedonism)
Earthday/Marsday Τ/Γ
Irregular days: Earthday is the last day of the year, and Marsday is a Leap Year Day. Day of Earth, and Day of Mars. The first has the same symbolism as the popular environmental "Earthday", and the second is actually a day devoted to peace, not to war.


† Originally was "Juday", coming from the English Jupiter + day. It was changed to Jeuday on 20 April 2006 (P1Ρ06E2006), which comes from the French jeudi + the English day, on the suggestion of linguist Adalbert Kowal. He made the interesting observation that the French form for "Jupiter's Day" was better, since it alludes to the Ludi Romani, a religious festival in ancient Rome held to the honour of Jupiter, whose temple was dedicated on 13 September 509 BCE. The French form of the word not only is a derivative of the Latin Jovis Dies ("Jupiter's Day"), but also alludes to the fact that "Jupiter's day" in Rome, jeudi in French, was a big dies ludi, a day when a great variety of state-funded entertainments that were available for all. This was clearly more suggestive of the Sabbath function of this day in the Cesidian calendar, and so the change to the French form of the word seemed more apt.

‡ Originally was "Saturday", but was changed to Saturnday on 16 April 2006 (P1Φ02E2006) to differentiate it from the Gregorian day which also stands for the Sabbath of the Jews and several Christian sects. The Italian "sabato" and the Interlingua "sabbato" were also changed to differentiate the Cesidian second day of the week from the Jewish Sabbath ("Seventh Day" in Hebrew).

§ Originally was "Neptuday", but was changed to Neptunday on 13 July 2005 (B2Ρ12H2005), thanks to an intelligent multilingual suggestion by Alberto Mardegan.


The Cesidian Months, on the other hand, are 14:


Cesidian Month Abbreviation
Archimedes A
Beethoven B
Columbus C
Dalí D
Edison E
Fleming F
Gandhi G
Hokusai H
Isaiah I
Jung J
Kurosawa K
Lagrange L
Montessori † M
Nureyev N


† Originally was "Muhammad", but month's name was changed to Montessori on 2 December 2005 (V2Π24M2005), through a calendar reform process. This became necessary to avoid serious problems that may have occurred through extensive Cesidian calendar use.


This is what it looks like in business card format:



The Cesidian calendar standard in English, Italian, and Interlingua:


Cesidian Day Giorno Cesidiano Die Cesidian
Jeuday † giudì † jeudi †
Saturnday saturndì saturndi
Uranday urandì urandi
Neptunday nettundì neptundi
Plutoday plutodì plutodi
Mercuday mercoledì mercuridi
Venusday venerdì venerdi
Earthday terradì terradi
Marsday martedì martedi
Cesidian Month Mese Cesidiano Mense Cesidian
Archimedes archimede archimedes
Beethoven beethoven beethoven
Columbus colombo columbo
Dalí dalí dali
Edison edison edison
Fleming fleming fleming
Gandhi gandhi gandhi
Hokusai hokusai hokusai
Isaiah isaia isaia
Jung jung jung
Kurosawa kurosawa kurosawa
Lagrange lagrange lagrange
Montessori montessori montessori
Nureyev nureyev nureyev


† Originally was "Juday", "giovedì", and "jovedi" in English, Italian, and Interlingua respectively, but was changed to Jeuday, giudì, and jeudi on 20 April 2006 (P1Ρ06E2006) to the French form of the Jovis Dies ("Jupiter's Day") on the suggestion of linguist Adalbert Kowal, since this the French jeudi also alludes to "Jupiter's Day" being a dies ludi during Roman times, a day when a great variety of state-funded entertainments that were available for all. This was clearly more suggestive of the Sabbath function of this day in the Cesidian calendar, and so the change to the French form of the word seemed more apt. The English Jeuday and the Italian giudì are respectively Anglicised and Italianised forms of the French jeudi, while the Interlingua form jeudi, is straight from the French.


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