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The insignificance of age

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 3 years, 6 months ago

The evidence age is a highly insignificant number

Your age is roughly the number of tropical years — note that the epoch of J2020.0 is 365.242188439 days — you have lived, not your Stanford-Binet IQ score.


An old high school friend of mine, who like virtually all journalists is also very political, has stated in Italian:


Biden calls Putin a murderer. Send 80-year-olds to the park to feed pigeons, not the White House.


My ectojournalistic response, translated into English:


Stalin also knew very well that it isn't those who vote that count, but those who count the votes, and the "US Democrats" are just like Stalin.


However, if Biden's 78 years (born 20.11.1942) were an excuse for not becoming US president, then even those almost 59 years old like myself should never become fathers for a first time, and I think, dear Friend, that my mother too, who is expected to be reborn around April 2022, would disagree.


No, we are not of the same religion either, dear Friend! It is not the years that count, but how the years are counted.


The old ones are full of memories, and maybe surrounded by grandchildren at their hips.


Those who are still young, on the other hand, want to get married, or better, as the old and wiser Italian women would put it, want to "settle down".


MT Kaisiris Tallini


Nota Bene


This is real science: as a general rule, the lower one's IQ, the easier it is to relate to many more people at an earlier age. Aristotelian zoos do not, in any way, facilitate the socialisation process of extremely high IQ people. The highest IQ possible on the Stanford-Binet scale, the most common IQ test, and based on the current world population, is 201, which is the extremely high IQ one would expect in 1 in 7.25 billion people. So people with a higher IQ than 201 are either extraterrestrials who are missing in action (MIA), or ectopolitans.


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