A return to pre-Bronze Age conditions is required
American biologist Paul Ralph Ehrlich (29.05.1932 – ), best known for his warnings about the consequences of population growth, and limited resources, in his controversial 1968 book, The Population Bomb, has stated:
Few problems are less recogni[s]ed, but more important than, the accelerating disappearance of the earth's biological resources. In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it is perched.
I agree with the distinguished Stanford University educator. The extinction of other species will eventually lead to the extinction of humanity.
However, Prof Ehrlich, like virtually all his environmentalist colleagues, is still just seeing the symptoms of the disease, not the origin of the disease itself.
The origin of the disease is not the population explosion, but the disappearance of natural human societies, and their more natural rhythms. This happened long before the population boom ever even started. In fact, this is what caused the population explosion to begin with.
The development of the current dominant paradigm or genus called civilisation, was actually a long, and complex process. However, it should be immediately noted that this mode of living has always rested on industry and technology, not really on men and women!
Therefore, the first cure of the disease, the disease where the total demise of other animal and plant species is only a sign of the greater peril humanity now faces, is the rebirth of a society where men and women (syntropy), matter more than industry and technology (entropy); the rebirth of a society where families (stirpes), clans (gentes), and congregations (curiae) matter more than corporations (fake tribus), and governments (cives).
During the beginning of the Bronze Age, as the use of stone tools became outdated, and new metallurgic skills became known around the world, life became much different than before. Nomadic lifestyles, which were more in harmony with nature, were exchanged for lifestyles around permanent settlements, and more sedentary and agricultural activities.
During the Bronze Age, societies became more and more centred around powerful bronze-bearing chieftains (leaders of tribes), and trade networks also became widespread and dominant.
The Bronze Age is the period of history between the Stone Age, and the Iron Age, terms referring to the material with which tools and weapons were made in the respective ages.
The first part of the Bronze Age may be called the Chalcolithic, referring to the use of pure copper and stone tools. Copper was known in Anatolia — present-day Turkey area — by 6500 BCE. It wasn't until the second millennium BCE that bronze — an alloy of copper mixed with tin or arsenic — came into general use, however. In about 1000 BCE, the Bronze Age ended, and the Iron Age began.
The technology period of the Iron Age, on the other hand, pretty much ended with the more literary-, artisan-, and artistically-driven Renaissance — which started with the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, as this produced a wave of émigré Greek scholars, which brought with them precious manuscripts of ancient Greek to Italy, especially literary and historical texts.
The Renaissance was eventually followed by the Industrial Age (1760 – 1970), and finally by the so-called "Information Age" (1970 – present), which is really a misnomer for the current Computer Age, since our civilisation is still largely dominated by computers, and not by information. It is in computers where most of the information resides, not in human beings even collectively!
The Bronze Age is important primarily because of the advancements it provided in a technological sense. Without these, the civilisation paradigm or genus would have never seen the crack of dawn.
Also, it was during the Bronze Age when bronze was first used to make weapons and armour. This was also the period, therefore, when wild horses were first domesticated, and then used in chariots, which helped aggressive, despotic peoples to conquer or subjugate other peoples more easily.
This also caused the spread of the germ based on the civilisation "disease", and this disease, since it has led to a world overpopulated with humans, has ultimately also produced the COVID-19 pandemic.
The spreading of the virulent disease of civilisation, also ensured that the way of life of the most aggressive and despotic powers (cives), more than single nations (tribus), could spread more easily. Moreover, the language, culture, and religion of these powers, would also spread across the world until these came into contact with other powers which had a similar level of technological advancement. This led to the first real conflicts, not so much between different tribes (tribus), but between different confederations of tribes (cives).
During the Bronze Age, this civilised, or city-based mode of living, really began to spread out to more than just a few Greek city-states — or poleis (πόλεις) in Greek. Cleisthenes' reforms, which were put into effect sometime between 503 and 502 BCE, reorganised the citizen body of Athens from four phyles (φυλές) based on ethnic ties, into ten phyles based on the area in which one lived, and these reforms eventually affected more than just the population of Athens.
The long term effects of Cleisthenes' reforms were these: within the Greek polis (πόλις) or walled city, divisions continued to exist, but became more geographic, civilised, or political, and less ethnic or tribal. Moreover, families or oikoi (οἶκοι), clans or géni (γένη), and congregations or phratries (φρατρίες), and the natural part of real Greek society they constituted, became less and less relevant through time, while governments, and the juridical or fictive societies they foster — essentially fake tribes or phyles (φυλές) — became more and more tyrannical.
It is unknown what happened to Cleisthenes after he enacted his reforms, but he didn't seem too popular, and definitely was not celebrated. What is better remembered by historians, however, is that the new political system which took hold was more successful in 490 BCE, when an expeditionary army from Persia landed in Attica, the historical region that encompasses the city of Athens. Despite the much larger size of the Persian army, it was soundly defeated by the Athenians, so Cleisthenes' so-called "democracy", apparently had more military benefits than truly civilian ones, and this, unfortunately, is the reason why it was duplicated elsewhere.
In the year 7 CE, similar reforms were enacted under Emperor Augustus when Rome, which was originally divided into four urban and poor tribes (vici), and another 31 rural and wealthy tribes (pagi), for a total of 35 tribes (tribus), was divided into 14 administrative regions (XIV regiones Romae antiquae), and further subdivided into 265 official neighbourhoods (vici). The fact that Romans named something even more impersonal than tribes, or purely geographic neighbourhoods, with the older term for poor tribes (vici), reminds me a little of when many Americans, even the US president, uses the term "nation" to very deceptively describe a political behemoth that is of the size and complexity of the United States.
The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) estimates that about 108 billion people have lived on Earth throughout the history of Homo sapiens. If one goes back to the year 8000 BCE with the PRB data, it is actually possible to estimate that I have lived at least 228 times as a human being.
Notice the shift that my kind of thinking has produced: from mere demographic data, usually used to justify birth control programs, and other kinds of human control, to real and meaningful spiritual science information.
According to the PRB, the world population in 8000 BCE was about 5 million. By 1 CE, however, or when Jesus was a child, the world population was already 300 million. The reason for the population explosion, even back then, is entirely because of the political effects which started in the beginning of the Bronze Age.
The Bronze Age started in about 3300 BCE in the Middle East, started during Enoch Ben Jared's (3502 BCE – 3137 BCE) lifetime, so life was already starting to get bad then.
In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, heavenly angels procreate with earthly women, and create a giant warrior race: the Nephilim. These fallen angels also teach men how to make weapons (an historic first); how to apply, and probably also how to manufacture eye shadow (cosmetics); and they even teach men how to make jewelry. The book ends with these fallen angels being imprisoned, and the Earth being destroyed by a flood.
So during this time, people began not just living in less harmony with the natural world, but also less in harmony with each other, because that is what dangerous weapons in the hands of lazy and despotic people leads to. This is why at a certain point, the Creators of man decided to intervene more directly into the lives of men like Enoch. Enoch thus became the first Earth-born man who was taken into space by God — a fact mentioned quite clearly in the Book of Genesis —, or the first consecrated high priest of Yehovah. Enoch was probably also the first ectojournalist, and also the first ectohistorian, although the writings that are now attributed to him, and which were probably at least started in his hand, are now considered apocryphal.
However, it is the civilisation paradigm, and its fake journalists and historians which is, or should be considered apocryphal, uncanonical, false, or spurious, because the civilisation paradigm is not about, nor does it produce a genuinely human history (ectohistory). What does technology have to do with human beings, if it eventually leads all, or the great majority of humanity into slavery?
In ancient, pre-Bronze Age times, societies were not only much smaller, and much more egalitarian than giant US corporations, but they were also more closely associated with the concept of a holy, covenantal fellowship, and more closely associated with real or natural communities.
This is the natural society we must endeavour to recreate, or basically we are doomed, because Aristotelian zookeepers are not going to do anything with the current problems of the world, except perhaps make them even worse. We are already at the historically equivalent point of falling off a precipice.
Unfortunately it is a fact that Aristotelian zookeepers only enjoy the benefits of politics, and are never made responsible for any of the ill effects, which have been as devastating on most of the 108 billion people who have lived on Earth throughout the history of our quasi-species, as the city-size asteroid that now scientists state hit the Earth 66 million years ago, and which doomed the dinosaurs to extinction.
MT Kaisiris Tallini
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