
Aristotelian cities and politics

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 3 years, 9 months ago

The trap of Aristotelian cities or politics, and their perverse incentives or currencies


I wanted to clearly show you what Aristotelianism creates in the very graphic video I uploaded below, and it is especially graphic for rodent lovers.


Aristotelianism is a paradigm or genus, and thus beyond a single tribe (tribus) or confederation of tribes (civis), which mainly benefits those who trap you, like the rodents in the video below, or basically:


1. the territorial traps (UN member countries);

2. the gatekeepers (state or city authorities); and

3. the perverse incentives — state, city, and big company jobs which provide a deliberately limited supply of currency (and limited, little, or no alternatives to the country's currency); limited public parks, private gardens, or backyards for individual or family recreation; limited products and services, and limited full time employment opportunities from these companies.


The Aristotelian system's territorial traps, gatekeepers, and perverse incentives are:


1. UN member countries (cives);

2. central/reserve banks, monetary authorities, or multinational corporations (cives);

3. states, cities, or other major subdivisions of countries (tribus);

4. universities or institutions created by royal charter, act of congress, act of parliament, government act, or papal bull, and/or accredited directly or indirectly by educational department, agency, or ministry of government (tribus);

5. national banks, corporations, or major Jewish or Christian denominations (tribus);

6. boroughs, counties, towns, or other major subdivisions of states (curiae);

7. colleges, high schools, or seminaries instituted/regulated by states, cities, and/or major Jewish or Christian denominations (curiae);

8. small/local banks, companies, and synagogues/churches (curiae).


An Aristotelian system does not value your privacy or opinion, whether you are a man, or a woman (homo); your family's (stirps) or your clan's (gens) life or wellbeing; or your congregation's or community's (curia) freedom or independence. This is what Cesidian law values.


No. The legal system, whether civil-, common-, customary-, religious-, or mixed law-based, treats you like a number, not as an individual and real human being; families are treated like marriage licences, which benefit only Jewish and Christian clergy on holidays, and lawyers when things go seriously wrong; and congregations or communities either as rare block or district parties (I've seen very few of those, although I have seen some municipality-sponsored parties in Italy which were quite great even musically), weekend-only gatherings for the dumbest religion, spirituality, or theology (it is only a little more complicated than the theology taught by atheists, and none of it is actually divine in origin, or can be shown as valuable or useful knowledge); or sometimes like small legal villages or municipalities when these districts or neighbourhoods become too big, that is, big enough to provide a nice annual salary to some fake representative, his secretary, and a furniture-filled, and expense-free office.


But here is what the paradigm actually looks like (very graphic video), and this has been scientifically proven to be the case by at least 2,300-plus years† of historical evidence (you don't need to be either a scientist, or a genius, to figure out that something is seriously wrong with this Aristotelian paradigm):


Aristotelian cities and politics (video)






The Aristotelian paradigm certainly started since politics was invented. The word politics means "science of government", and is modelled on Aristotle's treatise Ta Politika (Τα Πολιτικά) or "affairs of state", the name of his book on governing and governments. It was written some time between between 335 and 323 BCE, in Athens, so it was written at least 2,343 years ago — as of the year 2021 CE. Politics is the science of "good sense" — none of that "human" or "humane" stuff — applied to public affairs. Politics is not a science so much as it is a business, and that is something even an educated and honest politician will never admit. The word science, which is what politics eventually became as the science of managing human beings like cattle, and milking them constantly without providing any real services in return, comes ultimately from the Latin scientia (knowledge, expertness); from the Latin sciens (intelligent, skilled); the Latin word scire, meaning to know, to separate one thing from another, to distinguish; and is probably related to the Latin verb scindere, which means to cut, to divide, to separate.



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