
What is a Cesidian

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 3 years, 1 month ago

What is a Cesidian?

Cesidians do not follow a specific religion; do not consider all so-called sciences as true or rigourous sciences; and think the laws of men are a horrible substitute for the laws of the formal (mathematics, logic, and statistics) and natural sciences (physics, chemistry, earth science, space science, biology, and molecular biology).


It is a fact: you cannot make your own religious truth. Religious views or beliefs can, at best, point you in the right direction to go when you have absolutely no clues. Even Christians know that Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life", yet they all act like they are some kind of gatekeeper to the born again Jesus, and thus a gatekeeper to God, his adoptive Father. There is no such gatekeeper, and a religion based on such gatekeepers is a religion of lies, or basically Satanism. You either have a real social or societal relationship — and not in your dreams, and not through the corrupt Bible — with the born again Jesus, as "born again" as John the Baptist was the born again Elijah, or you have no relationship to the born again Jesus whatsoever (he does not know you at all), or even to the born again Jesus' adoptive Father.


It is a fact: our political science assumes "democracy" means having other people take control of your life, even make important decisions in your place that will affect you, and the people you love. However, governments and/or corporations cannot be easily sued, cannot be easily fired, like you can sue or fire any person whose performance does not meet your basic needs, any person who does not make you happy, any person who is abusing his or her privileges, and this is not democracy, but demagoguery; this is the rule of the rich, also known as plutocracy; and this is the rule by government only, also known as tyranny or fascism. So political science is an Aristotelian science, or a fake, unproven science, a pseudoscience, and the same largely goes for virtually all notions of the other social (history, economics, sociology, archaeology, law and political science) and applied sciences (especially the health sciences, or medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry).


It is a fact: the laws of men have been totally destroying the natural environment, and now they have completely destroyed our lives. Life itself on Earth is no longer normal, and the usual prescriptions, including the medical prescriptions they have been pushing like the snakes they are, not just snake oil salesmen, are part of the problem, not part at all of a future solution to our problems.


Moreover, if this is the result of the laws which Congress created, then it is not the President which should be impeached. No, Congress should be impeached. Most or all tax monies should simply be returned to the citizens who have been deceived for centuries now. Civilisation, the Josiah, Cleisthenes, and Aristotelian paradigm which has been going on for over 26 centuries, is the source of all evil, even before printed or issued money by central banks becomes the same.


Cesidians thus do not follow only a specific religion, as Cesidianism is actually an interdisciplinary set of concepts or thought patterns, including distinct and verified theories, research methods, postulates, and standards, so Cesidianism is a new paradigm in its own right, an entirely new religious or spiritual, economic or scientific, ethical or legal paradigm.


Cesidian spiritual science (Css) or Cesidianism has become, over 22 years of research and development, a Cesidian legal, spiritual and theological, salubriological and psychological, linguistic, journalistic and historical, geological, geographic and astronomical, societal and political, ecological and agricultural science, or the world's first holistic and scientific paradigm.


Cesidians are no longer Judaeo-Christians, but post-Judaeo-Christians.


They are not religious Jews, and if they are not Ashkenazi, Ashkenazic, or Ashkenazim; if they are not Sephardi, Sephardic, or Sephardim; they can be described as Venetian or Terisi Jews [תְּרִיסִים יְהוּדִיִּים] (pronounced «thrissim yehudim»), or Terisim [תְּרִיסִים].


Cesidians do not view Josiah's fake religion, Cleisthenes' fake tribes and democracy, and Aristotles' fake societies as sacred, or something children should be taught to treasure.


Cesidians believe Josiah's monotheistic religion is a scam, besides being an excuse for male chauvinism on steroids, and the scam has been perpetuated on the entire world since his "reforms" (he "reformed" the original religion of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by the way), which occurred in 621 BCE. Cleisthenes' fake tribes (corporations) and democracy (representative democracy at its worst), have been destroying families and natural society since at least 503/502 BCE. Moreover, since the final societal wrecking ball of Aristotle's treatise Ta Politika (Τα Πολιτικά), which was written some time between 335 and 323 BCE, we are in pretty bad shape now, on a planet which has been turned into a gigantic hospital, a gigantic insane asylum to be perfectly frank.


No, thank you. Cesidians have written to the letters sent by Josiah, Cleisthenes, and Aristotle to future generations of gullible and stupid people, the following message: return to sender.


Cesidians will send the entire paradigm proposed by these fraudsters, the Unholy Trinity, the paradigm of the seed of the serpent, to where it belongs, which is not among Cesidian true, dignified, and loving society.


The truer and dynamic Gospel — precalculus high spirituality

Saint Paul in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 stated that we are waiting for Jesus to come back from Heaven, since the time he was "raised from the dead" (the "resurrection" of Jesus from the dead, which did not happen), and "ascended to Heaven" (fake "ascension" of Jesus, which also never happened), and Jesus the Nazorean (September/October 5 BCE – April 30 CE) is now over 2,000 years old, and seated at the right hand of His Father (Jesus died, really died on the cross, and Yehovah is a God who cares about the living, not a god who cares about the dead, like Satan).


In a sermon delivered in Solomon's Portico mentioned in Acts 3, Saint Peter tells the crowd that Jesus must remain in Heaven (fake "ascension" of Jesus, which never happened) until God restores all things — correction: God restores Mary, by ensuring she is born again, after Satanic Joseph (aka Aristotle), her evil husband, helped to kill her; God restores the Theotokos (Θεοτόκος), by making her the Theogonos (Θεογόνος) —, so Jesus is now seated at the right hand of His Father (Jesus died, really died on the cross, otherwise he would not need to be born again, and even be adopted).


Are Saint Peter and Saint Paul right, or so wrong that believers in this notion even risk life and limb?


Or is that really "life and lamb", since the life of true students, disciples, or followers of Jesus or Yeshua is connected to their Wizard or Messiah, to the Ultimate Sacratus, and in ways no Petrine or Pauline Christian ever explained to you before?


On Easter every year, you should think about all the things that are mentioned in the New Testament, the "Deep Fake Testament", but which never happened, like Easter bunnies laying eggs.


Chickens lay eggs, for they are egg-bearing, or oviparous animals. Rabbits, on the other hand, being mammals, give birth just like humans, although they give birth to many more offspring during a single gestation than humans usually can. Rabbits are more prolific in that sense.


Original Cesidian holidays celebrated fake things like the resurrection story, the ascension story, and the pentecost story. No more. Religion must either be about truth, or it is not appropriate instruction even for children.


The truth is that Jesus or Yeshua truly died on that cross, and I'm just not certain whether he died on a specific Friday, or if it actually happened on a Saturday (Sabbath), when Pilate finally gave up on trying to convince the Sanhedrin not to crucify the born again Jacob or Yisrael, not to crucify an innocent man.


The truth is that Mary wasn't under that cross the day Jesus died, nor was John the Disciple there either.


Mary, the mother of Jesus, found out about Jesus' horrific death three days later, and it wasn't even her brother, Joseph of Arimathea, who had the decency to inform her, because he actually blamed her for Jesus' death, not the Sanhedrin, because he was a hypocrite like most Jews then, a hypocrite just like the Jews who blamed Eve for Adam's sins in the Genesis story. No, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was informed by Mary, the wife of Cleopas (or Alphaeus/Clopas), or the mother of Matthew (or Levi) and James the Less/Younger.


So the ascension of Jesus to Heaven story is fake, and the pentecost story is fake like a US three-dollar bill. Jesus' disciples never looked for Mary after he died, and after Jesus' death, the truth is that she was so distraught, that only her Ascension to Heaven, while she was still alive, is a true story, because they thought she would end up dying too soon otherwise, so some angels, probably two or three angels, were assigned to take care of her while she lived the rest of her days.


Catholic tradition holds that in the early days of Christianity, Jesus' disciples spread the Gospel throughout the known world, and James the Greater, the brother of John the Disciple, and one of the two sons of Zebedee — Zebedee and Mary Salomé were his father and mother — Jesus called Boanerges, or "sons of thunder", went to evangelise Roman Hispania, which is modern-day Spain.


James confronted great difficulties in his missionary efforts, and faced severe discouragement.


On 2 January in 40 CE, or almost 10 years after Jesus' passing, which most likely happened in April of 30 CE, James bar Zebedee sat tired and disappointed by the bank of the Ebro River in Caesaraugusta (Zaragoza).


The people of the Roman province of Hispania were not being receptive to the Good News of Jesus, and James was ready to give up on his efforts to evangelise them. Catholic tradition holds that Mary "bilocated" from Jerusalem, where she was living at the time, and appeared to James accompanied by thousands of angels, to console and encourage him, and Mary appeared atop a column, or pillar of stone.


"Our Lady of the Pillar" is not only considered the first Marian apparition, but it also occurred before the Gospels were even written down, and the Marian apparition is unique also because it is the only one to have occurred while Mary was still alive.


Did this actually happen?


Yes it did, but Mary wasn't in Jerusalem because she had already ascended to Heaven, so she was already living in space, and being taken care of by angels.


The story, whether Gospel- or Catholic tradition-based, that Mary was under the cross the day Jesus died with John the Disciple, and that John took Mary to live with him are total fictions, because neither was under the cross that day, and John never took care, or took any particular concern for Jesus' mother Mary. You can be nearly 100% certain of that statement.


The two who Jesus knew who were there, under the cross, were Mary the Magdalene («Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή» in Ectogreek), and Mary the wife of Clopas («Μαρία ἡ τοῦ Κλωπᾶ» in Ectogreek), who was in turn the mother of Matthew bar Halphai, aka Levi, and James the Less.


It was the second Mary, who lived in Capernaum just like Jesus' mother, who informed Mary of her son's horrific death three days later, and Mary was left totally alone in her grief, until the angels of God brought her to Heaven to take care of her.


Did Simon Peter play a role in spreading the Good News of Jesus? Yes, because Peter today is actually a Native American woman, so she did indeed travel through many countries after. As scriptures fortold, "God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered" (Matthew 26:31, New Living Translation).


Did Andrew, Simon Peter's brother (both sons of Jonah and Joanna) play a role in spreading the Good News? Yes, because Andrew today is a Japanese woman who lives in the US, so she also did indeed travel through many countries after.


Did John the Disciple play a role in spreading the Good News? Mainly as a writer, and he probably stayed in Israel, as John today is still Jewish, and was born again as a woman as well, like Peter and Andrew. John was also born again in a Jewish family when his name was Nostradamus (1503 – 1566).


Did James the Great, John's brother, play a role in spreading the Good News? Yes he did, and believe it or not, James today is a man, and Mexican, so yes, he was probably born again in Spain, some time after the year 43 CE, and perhaps with several souls he later moved, physically and spiritually to Mexico, where he currently lives.


The born again James was the only one who also tried to encourage the born again Jesus, when he was equally discouraged. Just wanted to show you spiritual parallels, and how these echo or manifest in different incarnations.


The angels who assisted Mary after her Ascension may, in fact, become a part of the born again Mary's life in the near future, may become a part not of the life of the Theotokos (Θεοτόκος), the Mother of God (Mater Dei), but of the life of the future Theogonos (Θεογόνος), the Daughter of God (Filia Dei). I hope you've noticed that this story, unlike the one in the New Testament, is not only truer to what actually happened — has, in other words, higher fidelity to the actual human history which occurred, or to the ectohistory —, but it isn't a static story; it actually makes sense in a spiritual way; and it even predicts the future — it shows the infinitesimal calculus, if you will, the dynamic, continuous change that is occurring, right now, to the Gospel story you've inherited, while the old Gospel story by itself is just a static story, and usually interpreted in a static, and extremely materialistic way also.


This is the first time in human history that it actually makes sense to speak of high spirituality, while the Judaeo-Christian story is low spirituality at best, or has no spirituality to speak of entirely.


This, however, despite its novelty, is only precalculus high spirituality.


In the future, I hope to be able to write a book with the higher level infinitesimal calculus high spirituality, with much greater detail.


MT Kaisiris Tallini


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