Giuseppe De Donno, SD† (02.07.1967 – 27.07.2021):
«Pax Big Pharmana»‡ hero
Before dying by suicide, Giuseppe De Donno, SD† — father and champion of hyperimmune plasma therapy for COVID-19 patients, a therapy which is controversial only to the Wikipedia — was marginalised and isolated by virtually all his medical colleagues, and in May 2020, after halting all deaths by COVID-19 in his city of Mantua, Italy, and ensuring the survival and recovery of 48 patients, he was visited by the NAS (Nuclei Antisofisticazioni e Sanità) police from Rome at his hospital ward, and was later even attacked and offended by Roberto Burioni, Italian virologist, physician, and academic, who would have preferred a synthetic drug to De Donno's totally effective treatment immediately tackling the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic, and costing very little money as well.
MT Kaisiris Tallini
Credible external links
† The Salubriology School of Saint René Descartes University (StRDU), has posthumously made Giuseppe De Donno a Salubriology Doyen (SD), or a salubriology scholar (and martyr). Saint René Descartes University awards no fake doctorates in medicine or in other fields, degrees typically awarded under the Bologna Process, and by other higher education government accreditation systems, such as the complex US tertiary, or post-secondary education system, but only its special societal and multisocietal progressive degrees: Diplomate's (for new disciplines or sciences only now), Professional's, Scholar's, and Cosmopolitan's degrees. More information about Cesidian saints is available at this link.
‡ Giuseppe De Donno has been declared a «Pax Big Pharmana» hero by the Paradiplomatic Affairs (PdA) agency. «Pax Big Pharmana» is a phrase which uses the Latin «pharmaceuticus», which means "peace by massive sales of drugs or pharmaceuticals", and also uses the Persian «farman» [فرمان], which means "peace by massive command, order, decree, or edict". The massive blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki created a Pax Americana era. The man-made COVID-19 virus created the «Pax Big Pharmana» era. It started after some well-funded government agencies of at least two UN member countries, and rich pharmaceutical corporations ("Big Pharma"), effectively took over the world. "Big Pharma" has created a gravy train of corrupt, fake, even criminal science through the influence of money alone, and it ended up even causing the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, which in turn has caused the death of over 4.3 million people so far, and an educational, economic, and social-societal disaster in its wake as well.
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