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Interesting logograms

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 10 months ago

Interesting logograms: 猪皮

The Chinese logograms 猪皮 mean 'pig' and 'skin' respectively in English, or 'pigskin':




I've also seen the logograms translated collectively as 'pork leather' by Facebook, but that is totally inaccurate in most cases, especially when the literary context clearly shows the specific Chinese phrase is mentioning something about food, diet, or nutrition.


The Chinese hanzi or logograms translated sometimes as 'pork leather' in English, really mean 'pork skin', or better, 'pork rind'.


Some people enjoy eating pork rinds as a snack, as much as many others enjoy eating bacon — and eggs — for breakfast.


People of certain religious faiths avoid eating pork in any way, such as Jews and Muslims, but also Seventh-day Adventist Church members among Christians, do not eat pork. The latter beliefs are somewhat odd, since the New Testament verses of 1 Timothy 4:3–5 specifically state that all foods are good, and are made acceptable by the word of God and prayer.


At least in part because of the verses of 1 Timothy 4:3–5 Cesidians, who are not Christians, but Ectochristians, neither prohibit priestly — or student age — celibacy, or the lifestyle of the singleton†, nor do they state marriage is wrong, or an abomination.‡ Cesidians encourage the stirpesation union, rather than government-licenced marriages, because the union whose primary focus is the formation of families only creates 'husbands' and 'wives' — archaic terms in Ectoenglish —, or spouses, and these are actually master and slave Mosaic law roles. Cesidians reject all roles and lifestyles promoted by Mosaic law, which is inherently sexist (that applies to both genders), and inegalitarian (which puts some other adult always above someone else, who is neither properly qualified to govern other adults, nor is he or she even actually legally responsible for, or legally accountable to these adults, like virtually all UN Members). Government agencies and corporations are even less legally responsible or accountable, so they basically have no place in a genuine legal system or paradigm, which needs to protect human beings — Humano genere in Ectolatin; there are only two human genera or paradigms possible for a survivable human species: the Humano genere (vel semen maris), or the 'seed of the serpent', and the Humana genere (vel semen feminae), or the 'seed of the egg' in Ectolatin — first and foremost, especially the very young, the very old, and widows or widowers, not UN governments, government agencies, and corporations.


The words 'pork leather' may be accurate in some instances, but they usually don't make shoes out of pork skin, but mainly out of bull or cow — cattle collectively — skin.


MT Kaisiris Tallini




  Ectoenglish (ⓔ; een) vocabulary:

– single: someone who is not involved in a stable romantic relationship.

– singleton: a person without a romantic partner for a long time.

– singleist: a person who discriminates against singletons; an evil hexer.

– coupleton: a person with a romantic partner for a long time, yet still unmarried.

– coupleist: a person who discriminates against couples, or want-to-be couples; an evil hexer.

– tripleist: a person who discriminates against polyphilic people; an evil hexer.

– unigamist: someone having one (illegal) spouse for a long time; a coupleton.

– bigamist: someone having two (illegal) spouses simultaneously.

– biphilic: someone with a legal ectobiological sibling as a romantic partner.

– polyphilic: someone part of a polyphilic union (three or more legal ectobiological siblings).


Cesidianism or Cesidian spiritual science (Css) has at least eight sources of religious authority to consider, not just one or two as in Christianity: 1) sacred texts; 2) tradition; 3) reason [and science]; 4) prophets; 5) personal experience; 6) orthodox syncretism; 7) mathematics; and 8) enlightened epistemology. Cesidianism is a religious and therapeutic philosophy, the Cesidian Network high spirituality organisation's analytical, Holocartesian, Homomessianic, Homotheistic, epistemological, extrabiblical, merodepantheistic, metemharpazopsychotic, Neocartesian, pluralistic, Pythagorean, societal, spiritual, syntheistic, and therapeutic philosophy.§ Cesidianism is also an interdisciplinary set of concepts or thought patterns, including distinct and verified theories, research methods, postulates, and standards, so Cesidianism is also a new paradigm in its own right. Cesidian spiritual science (Css) has become, in essence, Cesidian legal, spiritual and theological, salubriological and psychological, linguistic, journalistic and historical, geological, geographic and astronomical, societal and political, ecological and agricultural science, or the world's first holistic and scientific paradigm.


§ Cesidian vocabulary:

– analytical: relating to, or using analysis or logical reasoning.

– Holocartesian: quadrialistic thinking, or matter-spirit/empirical-rational thinking, or a male-female/fascist-anarchist view; the quadrichotomy, not dichotomy, studied in Cesidian analytic theology (Cat); Russians may favour the term 'tetralistic' to the term quadrialistic; monistic, dualistic, and trialistic paradigms are also possible. Holocartesian is both a material (male) and spiritual (female) term, and thus relates to all things, not exclusively to material, and/or spiritual things. Holocartesian and Cesidian are synonyms.

– Homomessianic: not relating to the worship of one (random) messiah, but very unambiguously, the same Messiah known as Jesus or Yeshua in a previous existence.

– Homotheistic: not relating to the worship of one (random) god, but very unambiguously, the same God of Abraham; the same God of Jacob; the same God that is described as 'the Fear of Isaac' (Genesis 31:42); that is, the God that has glorified his servant Jesus or Yeshua (Acts 3:13–14).

– epistemological: relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

– extrabiblical: relating to information or content outside the Bible, or not exclusively biblical.

– merodepantheistic: relating to the doctrine that God is a part or a subset of the universe, so He can have a primary relationship with a Messiah, or even with mankind, unlike the impersonal ties of the secondary relationships we have with those who provide products or services, or with a local bishop; unlike the mediated interaction of the tertiary relationships we might have with bureaucrats or authorities, which usually only communicate through the mainstream, or lying media.

– metemharpazopsychotic: dual belief in metempsychosis (transmigration of souls at death or reincarnation) and harpazopsychosis (seizure by evil souls of the living that are brain damaged or possessed).

– Neocartesian: relating not just to the secular and French philosopher René Descartes (Cartesian), but also to a meta-French and meta-Christian philosopher now named Saint René Descartes, because he was, and is the Messiah to come (a Homomessianic saint). Neocartesian is both Saint René Descartes, the first canonised Cesidian saint, and also his institution, Saint René Descartes University. Neocartesian is a more materialistic term, and thus relates to things, while Holocartesian is a more spiritual term, and thus relates more to Neocartesian thinking. Neocartesian is also a nationality and recognised citizenship today.

– Pythagorean: relating to Pythagoras, to his school, or to his doctrines, especially the Pythagorean way of sufficiency, which unlike the Aristotelian way of the scarcity that generates contempt through conflict with others and fascism, generates solidarity through conflict within ourselves and anarchism.

– societal: relating to society, or personal primary and impersonal secondary relationships.

– spiritual: relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul, or not exclusively secular or temporal matters.

– syntheistic: has complementary deities (not strictly monotheistic), so it is a more naturalistic theology which duplicates the essential complementary genders with the equal need for complementary Jehovah or Yehovah (Isaiah 44:6, American Standard Version) deities.

– therapeutic: relating to the healing and treatment of disease — Cesidian sacraments of healing include the Catholic Reconciliation (aka Confession) and Anointing of the Sick, which are Catholic sacraments of healing¶, but also include an eighth sacrament called 'Healing of the Sick'.


Catholic sacraments:

– sacraments of healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick)

– sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)

– sacraments of vocation (Matrimony and Holy Orders)







Pork rind






What Religions Don't Eat Pork?



1 Timothy 4:35



Leather: From other animals



Leather made from different animals




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