
Hell exists

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 3 years, 1 month ago

Hell exists — but not on planet Earth

The real hell of Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) was only slightly inaccurate.


In Canto III of the book of the Divine Comedy called Inferno, Dante passes through the gate of Hell, a place which bears an inscription ending with the famous 14th century Italian phrase, «Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate» (or in modern Italian, «Lasciate ogni speranza, voi che entrate»), a phrase most frequently translated in English as, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" (Canto III, verse 9).


Dante and his guide, the Latin poet Virgil (70 – 19 BCE) [the one called "Master"], hear the anguished screams of the Uncommitted or Apathetic (Italian: Ignavi). These are the souls of people who in life took no sides; the opportunists who were for neither good nor evil, but instead were merely concerned with themselves:


All made a tumult that whipped round and round

Forever in that colourless and timeless air,

Like clouds of sand caught up in a whirlwind.


And I, my head enwreathed with wayward doubts,

Asked, "Master, what is this that I am hearing?

Who are these people overwhelmed by pain?"


And he told me: "This way of wretchedness

Belongs to the unhappy souls of those

Who lived without being blamed or applauded.


"They are now scrambled with that craven crew

Of angels who elected neither rebellion

Nor loyalty to God, but kept apart.


"Not to mar its beauty, heaven expelled them,

Nor will the depths of hell take them in there,

Lest the damned have any glory over them."


And I: "Master, what is so burdensome

To them that they should wail so dismally?"

He answered, "Very briefly, I will tell you.


"These people have no hope of again dying,

And so deformed has their blind life become

That they must envy every other fate.


"The world will not allow a word about them;

Mercy and justice hold them in disdain.

Let us not discuss them. Look, and pass on."


— Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, Part I: Inferno (Hell); Canto III; verses 28–51


So Dante in his fiction does actually mention a place where "people have no hope of again dying", which he should have probably described, if the Catholic church didn't have so much power back then, as "the place where people have no hope of living, or being born again".


There is such a place, a place where the dead cannot soon, or relatively soon, be born again, believe it or not, but it is not on planet Earth.


So Dante Alighieri was more than just a literary genius, as he was also fairly accurate in his eschatology as well.


MT Kaisiris Tallini



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