
To see or not to see

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 6 months ago

To see or not to see: Shakespeare vs Dante today

The difference between the born again Shakespeare, and the born again Dante, is not just a question of their mother tongue today, which has not changed significantly for either of these two living souls.


The paradox of human brilliance, is that it often comes with an almost equal portion of human stupidity. Humans are usually savants in some areas or disciplines, and complete idiots in others.


Let's face some facts: to virtually all of the world's 7.9 billion people, even those who formally "believe" in reincarnation such as Buddhists and Hindus, people like William Shakespeare (23.04.1564 – 23.04.1616) and Dante Alighieri (30.05.1265 – 14.09.1321) are dead, and not just biologically dead.


Even if some people, especially Buddhists and Hindus, don't actually think like these people are just dead biologically, since they believe in reincarnation, they nonetheless don't actually behave like these people are still alive as reborn, or born again human beings either.


The belief that both Shakespeare and Dante are alive today is not my "belief", and it is not really a "belief" anymore, something which may be true, or may not be, like even the best scientific theory, or the worst religious dogma.


Demographics is also key to understanding, even proving, that each of us have not only lived several lives, several incarnations as a human being — about 15 incarnations on average —, but just how many more lives the most reincarnated, and currently still extant (still living) human beings have actually lived — about 15 times 15, or 225 incarnations.


From a strictly religious perspective — but as I have noted, Cesidianism is a complete new paradigm, a complete new way of interpreting nature, reality, and even God, and so it is even beyond a single scientific perspective — Cesidianism is basically Ectochristianity (meaning, 'outside of Christianity').


Because Jesus the Nazorean (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE), or Yeshua HaNotzri [יֵשׁוּעַ הַנָּצְרִי], clearly supported reincarnation or gilgul neshamot [גִּלְגּוּל נְשָׁמוֹת], the concept of reincarnation in Kabbalistic esoteric mysticism, since Jesus obviously equated John the Baptist with the born again Elijah (Matthew 11:13–15), it would not be an exaggeration to say that since the Second Council of Constantinople (553 CE), all true Christianity, even authentic Christian mysticism, has ceased to be.


In fact, with the exception of true Marian Christianity, all the forms of Christianity mentioned below reject the pre-existence doctrine, and any related notion of reincarnation or gilgul neshamot, and all these forms of Christianity came into being after the Second Council of Constantinople (553 CE), which essentially rejected the "eternal life" notion of Jesus (dates below in day.month.year format):


– Petrine Christianity (28.07.754 CE – 31.10.1517)

– Pauline Christianity (31.10.1517 – 11.02.1858)

– Marian Christianity (11.02.1858 – 12.08.2019)

– Johannine Christianity (12.08.2019 – 09.07.2020)

– Magdalene Christianity (09.07.2020 – 03.02.2021)


To me William Shakespeare is not only alive today, in a different body, of course, but I even know his "new name" (Revelation 3:12).


So the essence of Cesidian theology goes like this: Shakespeare is not dead to Jesus, and yet Jesus is dead to Shakespeare.


This is the case because the born again Shakespeare still treats Jesus like that Jewish, Galilean, and Nazorean — a minority religion within mainstream Judaism back then — person who was born in Bethlehem in October of 5 BCE, and who died — it was a fake death, according to Christian dogma, which also reminds me of some other fake Muslim dogmas concerning Jesus — in Jerusalem in April of 30 CE.


Moreover, the born again Shakespeare still believes that Jesus "resurrected" just before the sunrise beginning on the literal third day, so Jesus was not born again in the decades before the beginning of the third millennium.


To be literalists, virtually all Christians who take the Bible as the "word of God" believe that Jesus the Nazorean (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE) is still alive and in Heaven, at the right hand of his Father, and so Jesus is actually about 2,025 years old — there are 739,671 days between Wednesday, the 9th of October, in 5 BCE, and Friday, the 3rd of December, in 2021 CE (this article's date), according to the highly accurate Planetcalc.com website, or 2,025 years, 1 month, and 24 days, or basically 2025.109 years.


The born again (b.a.) Shakespeare is not quite as famous as the born again (b.a.) Dante today, but he too is into acting, like the born again Dante.


The b.a. Shakespeare is also quite religious, although since he celebrates Reformation Day, a standard Protestant Christian religious holiday celebrated on 31 October every year, Shakespeare today is probably not Jewish. Yet the b.a. Shakespeare probably believes or honours more Jewish things than even the b.a. John the Evangelist, who is still Jewish even today, but a woman, at least by ethnicity.


Despite the b.a. Shakespeare's apparent Christian affiliation, like most of the born again disciples of Jesus today, or like the born again Paul the Apostle/Saul of Tarsus, John the Baptist, or Mary the Magdalene (Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή), the b.a. Shakespeare today is also deliberately ignoring Jesus' Father, Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] or Jehovah of hosts, and no differently than most Petrine Christians, he also pays homage and honours "saint" Joseph the "carpenter" (he was actually a mason, not a carpenter), who was Jesus' actual foolish and evil father — aka Adam, Aristotle, or Satanic Joseph.


Most Christians today — that is, most Petrine and Pauline Christians, since there has been only one authentic Marian Christianity so far, and it is neither Catholic, nor Anglican — are perfect Aristotelian Christians, and their God is not really Jesus' Father Abba (Ἀββᾶ) [Aramaic: אַבָּא; Hebrew: אָב], but the "god Maozim" — see Daniel 11:38 in the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition.


It should be noted that Allah Maozim [الله المعز], which unfortunately can also be literally translated from the Arabic as "God Almighty", so you should watch the names you give God very carefully, is also the 'god of fortresses' or strongholds mentioned in Daniel 11:38, and one of the ninety-nine official names of Allah in Islam.


Remember, there are only two Yehovih [יֱהֹוִה] or Jehovih (dual, not singular forms for Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] or Jehovah in Ectohebrew and Ectoenglish respectively), two Eternal Ones according to the Old and New Testament, and not two "gods" — Elohim [אֱלֹהִים] in Ectohebrew, which is the plural, not singular form for any god — strictly speaking. There is no third "god" — think of the Trinity concept — who is actually the vile and evil adversary of the other two, together with all his minions here on planet Earth. It should be noted, once and for all time, that true Gods are space, or celestial Gods, are either exopolitans (like Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] or Jehovah) or ectopolitans (like the b.a. Jesus), not construction workers or general contractors like "saint" Joseph.


However, less mythologically and religiously, we are also effectively talking about the god of Aristotle, the god who claimed fake societies or cities — poleis (πόλεις) in Ancient Greek — were not only real societies, but even the most ideal society!


That's bullshit, and I can more than just prove it.


So what actually happened after the real Great Apostasy mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:1–4, and not the one Martin Luther, Reformation Day hero, had in mind?


The real Mariophany of the end of the Marian Christianity (11.02.1858 – 11.08.2019) era with the death of the born again Eve, Rebecca, or Mary, has not led to a Paradise in Christian form, which was probably not even possible anyway, but to a form of post-Christianity, to Ectochristianity or the Cesidian age, which in reality is not a 'religion without spirituality' age, as the Age of Christianity, but a 'religion with spirituality' age:


– Cesidian Era (03.02.2021 – )


This means that a Christophany will eventually manifest itself in the most spectacular way, showing the clear-cut end of the Age of Pisces.


To be, or not to be, a genuine follower of Jesus?


Why even ask at this stage?


Things will probably not change as they stand right now, but no real change is possible if the born again Shakespeare doesn't stop essentially asking for Jesus to rapture him, when the born again Jesus himself is still on planet Earth, in a real mathematical Limbo, not just a Catholic theoretical one, and he, that is the born again Jesus, is the only one who is guaranteed to be raptured — the latter is the correct Darby theology even wise scholars miss entirely.


The born again Shakespeare needs to contact the 'prince of the Light' (or the b.a. Plato), as soon as possible, rather than always mentioning the ideas of the 'prince of Darkness' (aka Aristotle), as he often does in his YouTube comedies.


What did the five foolish brides do — the ones mentioned in the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1–13) — when the Bridegroom (the b.a. Jesus) finally appeared?


I am mentioning the five brides who were actually potential "marriage material" (the born again Judas Iscariot and Matthew the Apostle weren't, despite being born again as females), or basically the born again Nathanael (aka Bartholomew the Apostle), the born again Philip the Apostle, the born again John the Evangelist, the born again Simon Peter, and the born again Andrew the Apostle, in their latter-day order of appearance?


Did they light the way for the Bridegroom (the b.a. Jesus) with their lamps in the night?


It may have been a dark hour, as dark as it was after midnight in the ancient Jewish times Jesus lived in before street lights, but the wise Brides are, in reality, the ones who shall make that hour, that darkest hour, just as bright as midday for the Bridegroom!


Not even the born again Shakespeare was willing to transition, in a clear way, from the religious fictions of the Age of Pisces, to the spiritual reality of the Age of Aquarius.


As a Shakespearean quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream goes, "It's not enough to speak, but to speak true."


Sounds like a good elementary definition for the Ectoenglish ectolanguage that I started developing.


It's not good enough to speak about the Lord. One needs to also speak the truth concerning the Lord.


Moreover, even if you do not know what the complete truth is, or you are uncertain, standing around idly, and doing little better than "wishing upon a star", will not be majestic enough to carry the day in the moment of the Lord's sorrow (the Great Apostasy).


Standing around idly will not be considered the "work" of an intrepid true follower of Jesus.


Life, after all, is largely a valley of sorrow, filled with our tears and anguish, but it is the ones who help us to deal with the bad cards of fate that become our partners, our colleagues, even our source of pride!


All other people in our lives are usually only negatives, even toxic people sometimes, and they are usually not the protagonists of our lives either. Rather, these people are often the antagonists.


Yet the b.a. Shakespeare fails to live by his own old words!


How then, can he even fathom the full meaning of Jesus' words today?


The b.a. Dante is a more noble bard than that scurrilous one today, however, and even a much more famous actor.


He received the Academy Awards for Best Actor in his current incarnation, so he is a lot more than just a YouTube actor, and a diviner (false prophet) like the b.a. Shakespeare.


MT Kaisiris Tallini



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