
the truth is out there

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 8 months ago

The truth is out there, and in two ectolanguages

 I am not alone with the theory about COVID-19 that I exposed in the article, "That disagreeable, malicious, and sinister 'Oh My Crone!' variant", published on 16 December 2021:




According to the authors of the book in (Ecto-)Italian below, by September 2019, the global economy had reached the point of no return. Everything was about to collapse, to implode, with devastating consequences. But then a virus from the East arrived at the "right time". The goal of this p(l)andemic has been to block, or at least to greatly slow down the global economy, as well as growth and consumption, through a controlled demolition made up of a series of planned lockdowns. This is a book of complaint which was written and edited by an historian and a pharmaceutical chemist, and which was also expanded with the contribution of a team of journalists, financial analysts, psychologists, biologists, doctors and lawyers.


Book title and authors


Operazione Corona: colpo di stato globale. Analisi bio-medica, economica e politica della più grande truffa della storia dell'umanità, by Nicola Bizzi and Matteo Martini


Review in (Ecto-)Italian


Nel mese di Settembre del 2019, secondo gli autori, l'economia globale era giunta a un punto di non ritorno. Tutto stava per crollare, per implodere, con conseguenze devastanti. Ma ecco che un virus proveniente dall'Oriente è arrivato manifestandosi al momento giusto. L'obiettivo di questa pandemia è stato quello di bloccare, o quantomeno rallentare al massimo, l'economia globale, la crescita e i consumi mediante una demolizione controllata fatta di lockdown pianificati. Un libro di denuncia, voluto e curato da uno storico e da un chimico farmaceutico e realizzato con il contributo di una squadra di giornalisti, analisti finanziari, psicologi, biologi, medici e avvocati.


Where to purchase the book





Libreria Universitaria:






Another book, with a similar theme, is also available for (Ecto-)English readers. The globalised operation has been called a coup d'etat in Italian, but it should have been defined in both Ectofrench and Ectoenglish as a prise de contrôle planétaire, a planetary coup or takeover. It was also described in Italian as "the biggest scam in the history of mankind".


Book title and author


Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure, by Mikki Willis


Review in (Ecto-)English


This book is an exposé of the truth behind the origins of COVID-19. It is an alarming examination of individuals such as Dr Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates; and organisations like the CDC, NIH, WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation among others, driving the global vaccination agenda. It is also a look at the tech giant, and mainstream media forces doing their utmost to silence, and suppress the veracity of these findings. Virologist Dr Judy Mikovits speaks frankly about the machinations for control and profit, corrupting both individuals and institutions tasked with overseeing public health, and Dr David E. Martin's research and shocking data corroborate the allegations of conflicts of interest. The US media and "fact checkers" condemned the two documentaries as a "dangerous conspiracy theory", but this is actually a crime against humanity.


Where to purchase the book





MT Kaisiris Tallini



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