Venus deadlier than Mars: women are greater murderers than men, and kangaroo, buffalo, and supreme courts surpass natural persons by far
If you thought Adolf Hitler (20.04.1889 – 30.04.1945) was bad, you must understand that the anti-Semite was preceded only physically, but not spiritually, by Josiah or Yoshiyahu (circa 640 – 609 BCE), the 16th king of Judah who instituted major religious reforms by removing official worship of gods other than Yehovah [יְהֹוָה] or Jehovah — not "Yahweh", as stated by complete Hebrew illiterates, and a host of other more systematic obscurantists. Life was a lot better for all Semites, not just those living in Jerusalem over 26 centuries ago, before king Josiah of Judah decided to start messing around with Jewish religious rights. That's how Jesus became Jesus the Nazorean (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE), or Yeshua HaNotzri [יֵשׁוּעַ הַנָּצְרִי], by the way, but they never tell you these stories. Josiah was born again as Adolf "Josiah" Hitler in my view.
And if you thought women are somehow more virtuous than Adolf "Josiah" Hitler, just think that because of Sarah Weddington (05.02.1945 – 26.12.2021), over 62.5 million babies' lives have been terminated up until 22 January 2021, the 48th anniversary of the Roe versus Wade Supreme Court decision, which allowed virtually unlimited abortions of unborn children.
So if male Nazis or Fascists like Adolf "Josiah" Hitler were bad for the perpetration of the genocide of about 6 million Jews, not the only victims of the Holocaust, but certainly a significant portion of them, what can we say of female Marxists, Communists, Socialists, or American Democrats like Sarah "Jezebel" Weddington, who has caused the elimination of ten times more people, and if human foeti are not people, then why don't we just discard all of them through systematic foeticide? Why are we being so selective with some foeti, and not others? Is human life a right for everybody, or just a privilege of the few?
By the way, these are the same people — Marxists, Communists, Socialists, or American Democrats — who have also legalised the murder — yes legalised it, because nobody is being prosecuted for these crimes — of over 5.4 million people worldwide through the man-made COVID-19 virus and its variants. Moreover, these stats do not include all the people who have died as a result of the so-called COVID-19 "vaccines", and they certainly do not account for the Long COVID, also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome symptoms, which may greatly shorten the lifespans of those who have experienced COVID-19 and "recovered", over 250.5 million so far, yet life expectancy in the US has already fallen due to COVID-19, but really due to "modern medicine", which is fully sanctified by Pope Francis (a Catholic, but not a Cesidian 8th Sacrament), which is "Dr WHO" medicine, but it is also known as salaribriology in Ectoenglish.
MT Kaisiris Tallini
The Murderous Sex: Are Women Better, More Creative Killers Than Their Male Counterparts?
62,502,904 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973
Life expectancy falls in the US due to COVID-19
One in eight recovered COVID patients die from illness complications within 5 months: UK study
Hospitals Choosing Patient Death Over Ivermectin
Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is A Manufactured Virus
Sarah Weddington, the lawyer who at 26 successfully argued Roe v. Wade, has died
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