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Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years ago



Lineage of the Blessed Hermes (LBH)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is a role in Abrahamic religions modelled on Melchizedek, which combines the dual position of king and priest, or both secular and religious roles.


The Judaic Midrash (biblical exegesis) identifies Melchizedek with Shem, the son of Noah. Although the Old Testament Book of Genesis affirms that Melchizedek was "priest of God Most High" (Genesis 14:18), the Judaic Midrash and Babylonian Talmud maintain that the priesthood held by Melchizedek, who pre-dated the patriarch Levi by five generations, was given in his stead to Abraham who, in turn, passed it on to his patrilineal descendants, Isaac, and then to Jacob or Yisrael.


Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah spoken of as "priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek" through the Old Testament (Psalm 110:4), so Jesus plays the role of the king-priest once and for all time. According to one of the books of the New Testament (Hebrews 7:13–17), Jesus is considered a priest in the order of Melchizedek because, like Melchizedek, Jesus was not a descendant of Aaron, and thus would not qualify for the Jewish priesthood under the Mosaic law.


Cesidians believe that Jesus or Yeshua was actually the born again Jacob or Yisrael, and continue to maintain relations only with peoples and religious groups which have continued to relate in a positive, and constructive way, with the social or societal, religious or spiritual, economic or scientific, ethical or legal views of Jesus the Nazorean (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE), and Jesus the Nazorean only, views which are no longer genuinely followed by either Christians or Messianic Jews, and other Jews reject the notion of Jesus as an incarnation of the future Messiah entirely, or actually hold anti-Messianic views, and/or views which make Israel the UN member country, of central importance to a world which today is completely dominated by the vile, vulgar, and plutocratic United Nations (UN), its respective agencies, and the "Messiah's despicable and dishonouring five aunties", or the five members of the UN Security Council (UNSC).


Cesidians have updated the priesthood and order of Melchizedek with a new lineage, the Lineage of the Blessed Hermes (LBH), which is far older than Shem ben Noah or Melchizedek; which is entirely spiritually-based; and which has nothing to do with religious- or ethnic-only paradigms, which are not necessarily spiritual, moral, or even scientifically valid paradigms. This new lineage also shows more evidence for its existence than the completely arbitrary, and reincarnation-denying paradigms of all Abrahamic religions.


It should also be noted that the born again Jesus, who is also the born again Jacob, no longer has a relationship either in the flesh, or in the spirit with most of his born again disciples; with the born again Saul or Paul of Tarsus; with Isaac (actually an incarnation of Satan); with the born again Rachel or Leah, today both daughters of the born again Cain; and even with Abraham and his alleged spiritual, yet primarily Babylonian or Aristotelian descendants, and this completely discredits any religious affinity notion which is not both current, and spiritually factual or true.


The Lineage of the Blessed Hermes (LBH) is, in reality, the spiritual lineage of Hermes blessed five times, or "Hermes fice blessed" («Hermes Quintamegistus»).


Hermes was associated with the Greek god Hermes, or the Roman god Mercury, and was even believed to be the father of astrology/astronomy.


However, Hermes is also associated with Hanoch (or Enoch, the son of Jared), Melchizedek (or Shem, the son of Noah), and others.†


«Hermes Trismegistus» (also «Tresmegistus»), meaning "Hermes thrice blessed", was the embodiment of the Western esoteric tradition in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, but the title is probably a now arcane Jewish mystic reference to Jacob [יַעֲקֹב] or Yisrael [יִשְׂרָאֵל], who was indeed blessed by God when he was given the name Yisrael (Genesis 32:27–29).


Jesus (Ἰησοῦς) or Yeshua [יֵשׁוּעַ‎], or the born again Jacob or Yisrael, could be defined as Hermes blessed four times (Mark 14:60–63), or "Hermes fource blessed" («Hermes Quadramegistus»).


Hence, I have started the Lineage of the Blessed Hermes on Tuesday, 28 December 2021 [Z2Ρ24N2021], which in reality is the spiritual lineage of Hermes blessed five times, or "Hermes fice blessed" («Hermes Quintamegistus»).


Today I am thus High Priest (Kohen Gadol [כֹּהֵן גָּדוֹל]) in the Lineage of the Blessed Hermes (LBH), only awaiting my final blessing; Supreme Magistrate (Meddíss Túvtiks or Meddix Tuticus) of the Kaisiris Clan; and my nation's Physician [Iatros (Ιατρός)].


Here is the Lineage of the Blessed Hermes with dates:


  • The blessed Hermes: Enoch ben Jared (3502 BCE – 3137 BCE).
  • Hermes twice blessed: Shem ben Noah [Melchizedek] (2568 BCE – 1968 BCE).
  • Hermes thrice blessed: Jacob [Yisrael] (1888 BCE – 1741 BCE).
  • Hermes fource blessed: Jesus the Nazorean [Yeshua] (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE).
  • Hermes fice blessed: Cesidio Tallini [Kaisiris] (10.05.1962 – Ω).


Adam and Eve, the first human couple according to the Bible, were only the first conjugation, to use a Cesidian societal-political science (Csps) descriptive verb. Adam and Eve were the first new stirps.


However, the first gens was started by Abel, who was given the first "exam" by his older brother Cain: Cain killed him, because he was, and in fact still is, a pretty lousy teacher.


Yes, the first matriculation or gens was deadly, but the same can be said of the first civilisation or genus.


Hopefully the future first delineation or human species won't require a deadly mission, just a terribly long time as a singleton (Ectoenglish social term).


What is a singleton in Ectoenglish?


A singleton is a person or thing occurring singly, especially an individual set apart from others (Dictionary.com); an individual member or thing distinct from others grouped with it (Merriam-Webster).


So a singleton could also be easily confused with the Latin term «sacratus» — «sacranus», by the way, is actually the purist or orthodox Latin term, while «sacratus» is either ancient Oscan, or later vulgar Latin —, which stands for a sanctified (made holy), dedicated, or consecrated person.


«Hermes Trismegistus» is actually Jacob or Yisrael — the name Yisrael, and the country named Israel after him, have distinct forms in Ectoenglish, because Ectoenglish doesn't try to confuse fake societies for real ones —, who was indeed blessed by God when he was given the name Yisrael, while Jesus or Yeshua could be defined as «Hermes Quadramegistus», or "Hermes blessed four times".


So here is the whole rationale of the Lineage of the Blessed Hermes, but from a Cesidian societal-political science (Csps) perspective:


  • New gens: Abel ben Adam (4024 – 4004 BCE) — First Matriculation (like a Seminarian).
  • New curia: Enoch ben Jared (3502 – 3137 BCE) — First Ordination (or blessing; like a Priest).
  • New tribus: Shem ben Noah [Melchizedek] (2568 – 1968 BCE) — First Consecration (or second blessing; like a Bishop, High Priest, or Mayor).
  • New civis: Jacob [Yisrael] (1888 – 1741 BCE) — First Naturalisation (or third blessing; like a Pope or Head of State).
  • New genus: Jesus the Nazorean [Yeshua] (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE) — First Civilisation (or fourth blessing; like a Saint or Statesman).
  • New species: Cesidio Tallini [Kaisiris] (10 May 1962 – Ω) — First Delineation (or fifth blessing; superior to any Pope or Head of State, to any Saint or Statesman).


MT Kaisiris Tallini




It should be noted that the Greek Hermes, besides being associated with Enoch ben Jared, is also associated with the Roman Mercury; the Celtic Ogmios or Ogmius; the Irish and Scottish Ogma or Oghma; and the Germanic or Norse Odin or Óðinn.




Is there a word for four times as much, analogous to once, twice, and thrice? [...fource, fifce/fivce, sice, sevence, eightce, nince, tence, etc]



Extending "once, twice, thrice" [...fource, fives, sixes, sevence, eights, nines, tence, etc]



My extension based on the two articles above, and ideal Ectoenglish pronunciation: fource, fice, sice, sevence, eice, nice, tence, etc. Extension made on 14.07.2022 (CMT). Google translate pronunciation of whole series.


What is the origin of the counting prefixes: uni-, bi-/di-, tri-, quad-, etc.?



Cesidian societal-political science terms (table)



In the beginning was the... Odin





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