
Ectokorean ninth ectolanguage

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 3 years, 1 month ago

Ectokorean (ⓚ; eko) now the ninth (9th) active ectolanguage [06.01.2022]

When the Cesidian calendar started being used by more than just its pioneer, it celebrated no distinct Cesidian religious holidays, but acknowledged the Christmas holiday, and other holidays celebrated by Christians, Jews, and even some holidays celebrated by Buddhists, with some distinctive differences, since Cesidians celebrate, for example, the Cesidian Hanukkah during the Christmas holiday season, just as Jesus actually did.


Jesus observed the celebration of Hanukkah in the Temple in December of 29 CE (AM 3790), almost four months before he was crucified (in April of 30 CE), as recorded in the very significant Bible verses of John 10:22–39.


It is also important to note that while Jesus was not born during this season, the first Hanukkah his family celebrated after his birth occurred between 25 Kislev and 2 Tebet, in AM 3757 in the Hebrew calendar, or between 25 December, in 5 BCE, and 1 January, in 4 BCE, in the Julian calendar!


The first Christmas was actually celebrated on 25 December in 336 CE, and according to the best records, the future pope Julius — pope Mark had passed away in October 336 CE, and Julius was elected pope only in February 337 CE — was the bishop of Rome who settled the date for Christmas on the 25th of December, some 340 years after the birth of Jesus the Nazorean (October 5 BCE – April 30 CE). In an old list of Roman bishops, compiled in 354 CE, these words appear for 336 CE: «25 Dec.: natus Christus in Betleem Judeae.» Translation: "25 December: Christ [was] born in Bethlehem, Judaea." The first Christmas Mass celebration occurred in Rome on the same Christmas date, at 7:30 AM Local Mean Time (astrological chart).


The discovery of the Year 2019 (Y2K+19) religious bug, however, began a serious religious reform which did away with most holidays celebrated by Christians and Jews, and this has resulted in the creation of 14 distinctive Cesidian holidays, 12 of which have been already celebrated, and 2 of which are to be celebrated in this new year.


The most important holidays of the year in the Cesidian calendar are the Hanukkiah of Cesidian holidays, or nine (9) special holidays, but until recently, there was no Hanukkiah of ectolanguages, since only eight (8) ectolanguages had been created by the pioneer of ectolinguistics.


We already knew that at least one of the currently popular K-pop groups is less ambidextrous, and actually even more nimble linguistically than most J-pop solo artists or music groups, but the discovery of a very ideal Korean language translation of the Ectoenglish word 'ectopolitan', which was not my work, but the work of someone else, has made me realise what I was already somewhat suspicious of: Korean speakers are linguistically, even ectolinguistically woke!


Because of this, Ectokorean (ⓚ; eko), or 엑토한국어, in the early hours of 6 January 2022 (CMT), became the ninth (9th) active ectolanguage:




So there was a Hanukkiah of nine (9) important Cesidian holidays, but now there is also a Hanukkiah of nine (9) important ectolanguages.


MT Kaisiris Tallini


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