What is γένος (genos) in Greek?
So what is γένος (genos) in Greek?
Is it...
- A chosen race? (ESVUK)
- A chosen generation? (NKJV)
- A chosen people? (NIVUK, NLT)
- A chosen group of people? (NLV)
This is the Bible verse I'm mentioning:
1 Peter 2:9, New King James Version (NKJV):
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
1 Peter 2:9, New Life Version (NLV):
But you are a chosen group of people. You are the King's religious leaders. You are a holy nation. You belong to God. He has done this for you so you can tell others how God has called you out of darkness into His great light.
The New Testament or Koine Greek word translated as 'race', 'generation', or 'people', is actually γένος (genos), as shown here:
Strong's Concordance offers the usages of 'offspring', 'family', 'race', 'nation', and 'kind' for γένος (genos); the NAS Exhaustive Concordance suggests that 'kind', 'kinds', and 'race' are the most common interpretations; and Thayer's Greek Lexicon suggests that 'stock' or 'race' are the most common words associated with the verse of 1 Peter 2:9:
But believe it or not, all the English language translations available on the internet are incorrect!
I accidently stumbled upon this fact yesterday (07.01.2022), when I attempted to translate the Ectoenglishⓔ name of the 'Kaisiris Clan' into Ectokoreanⓚ.
Not only I realised that the easiest to use Google Translate version of the name was not good enough, and I had to go through the Korean version of the Wikipedia to figure that out; but I also discovered that both my original Ectochineseⓩ, and Ectohebrewⓗ versions of the name, were not good enough either!
In Ectokoreanⓚ the ideal word for 'clan' is 씨족 (shijoh), and the most perfect word in Ectogreekⓖ is γένος (genos). The most perfect Ectochineseⓩ and Ectohebrewⓗ equivalents, however, are 氏族 (shinzu) and דוֹר (dur) respectively.
So the New Testament word of 1 Peter 2:9 commonly translated as 'race', 'generation', or 'people', is actually best translated as 'clan' in Ectoenglishⓔ, as all the translations of the name 'Kaisiris Clan' below show:
So the "chosen group of people", the "King's religious leaders" are part of a clan, an ectobiological clan to be more precise, and this is also shown outside of the Bible, or ectobiblically.
With the exception of Peter Lorie, Nostradamus "experts" did not understand that he mentions the "Wizard of all wizards", the Messiah himself in several of his quatrains, and in fact he called him by at least seven different names!
Nostradamus, or the born again John the Evangelist who, we are told, "must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings" (Revelation 10:11), mentions "three sisters" — not actual sisters, but they will behave like actual sisters — associated with the "man" mentioned below, who is actually the Messiah:
The man will be called by a barbaric name
that three sisters will receive from destiny.
He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds,
more than any other man will have fame and renown.
— Nostradamus, Centuries I, Quatrain 76
Why did Nostradamus call those three women "sisters"?
Because they will be like ectobiological, or 'outside of biology' sisters, but nuns part of the same monastery or convent are also called sisters! By the way, 'sisters' can be Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran Christian nuns, but can also be Mahayana Buddhist nuns.
These are the ones Petros — the author of the First Epistle of Peter in the Bible, which is traditionally attributed to Peter the Apostle or Simon Peter — calls a "chosen group of people", or the "King's religious leaders"!
So the verse is not mentioning a chosen generation or race, but the members of a special clan.
Whether this religious and royal clan will end up being made of three sisters exactly, however, seems as likely right now as the author of the First Epistle of Peter actually being Peter the Apostle. Because of the letter's language, dating, style and structure, many scholars consider it pseudonymous.
MT Kaisiris Tallini
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