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cosmopolitans vs ectopolitans

Page history last edited by Kaisiris Tallini 2 years, 7 months ago



Sociobiological differences between cosmopolitans and ectopolitans — originally published on Facebook on 28.08.2021; republished 22.01.2022

A stray cat is a type of domestic cat (Felis catus) which has been socialised at some point in their life, but lost or left human contact, and the dependence on humans which comes with having a home — or a barn, in the case of farm cats — as shelter, and human beings as carers.


Even though a stray cat can be scared and wary of humans, they may be able to be adopted into another home under the right circumstances, and with patience.


Occasionally, a stray cat may become feral if they remain without human contact for an extended period of time.


A feral cat has either never had contact with humans, or hasn't had contact in a long time. Feral cats lack trust in humans, and will be fearful of people who try to interact with them. They're not likely to ever be happy living indoors, and would rather fend for themselves.


Kittens born to feral cats are very likely to become feral themselves, unless they are rescued and socialised (domesticated) at an early age.


Under ideal circumstances, a stray cat may approach you, or allow you to touch them.


A feral cat will keep a safe distance, and flee if you initiate contact.


A stray cat will probably live alone.


A feral cat may belong to a larger feral colony.


A stray cat may walk and behave like a house cat. For example, they may display an upright tail that signifies friendliness.


A feral cat may crouch low to the ground, and is unlikely to make eye contact.


A stray cat may be vocal, and answer you when you talk to them.


A feral cat won't meow or vocally communicate with you.


A cosmopolitan is like a stray cat. They have lost confidence with local politics, so much so that they often feel alien to local politics.


A cosmopolitan or "citizen of the world" is still an Aristotelian extremophile however, a "political animal" like Diogenes of Sinope (circa 404 – 323 BCE) was, the man who coined the very word cosmopolitan.


Diogenes was definitely not a hoarder of people (ie, a politician), because he was not very gregarious, but he was still a hoarder of objects or rubbish, or a syllogomaniac. Thus despite his philosophical protest even before Plato (21.05.429 – 21.05.348 BCE), whose lectures he often disrupted, Diogenes was still an Aristotelian, since he was still part of the Aristotelian paradigm, or the genus of civilisation — Mankind, or the Anthropotita (Ανθρωπότητα) —, that false Josiah-Cleisthenes-Aristotle religious, ethnic, and philosophical paradigm or genus which actually started before Aristotle, or back in 621 BCE with the Jewish religious reforms of Josiah.


An ectopolitan is like a feral cat. They have lost confidence with not just with local politics, but feel alien to all forms of politics, even their own. Kaisiris Tallini has been fully ectopolitan since 4 June 2017. The neologism ectopolitical or ectopolitan, has been first used in an email in Ectoenglish ⓔ on 31 December 2020. Unlike cosmopolitans, the Holy Bible does actually mention this new paradigm or genus of ectopolitans, and calls it the seed or offspring of the woman, or zarah [זַרְעָ֑הּ]. Today, that new paradigm or genus is also known as Womankind, or the Gynaikatita (Γυναικάτητα).


Ectopolitans are "delineates of the world" or "global delineates", and a delineate is not an extraterrestrial, or someone who might still be a subject of study in the field of exopolitics, or the art of government as concerned with creating or influencing policy toward extraterrestrial phenomena, and extraterrestrial beings.


No, an ectopolitan or delineate is often still a terrestrial, but he or she is ectopolitical — from the Greek word ectopolites (ἐκτοπολίτες).


Even exopoliticians don't study these Earth-based aliens, these spiritual aliens, these feral humans through the field of exopolitics — from the Greek exopolites (ἔξωπολίτες).


An ectopolitical person or ectopolitan is someone who is not affected or influenced at all by politics within, or between individual states or countries.


Notice that a stray cat will probably live alone, but a feral cat may belong to a larger feral colony.


Likewise, a cosmopolitan either only, or primarily associates with people outside of their place of residence, but an ectopolitan will attempt, usually unsuccessfully, to establish the human equivalent of a feline feral colony, a koinonia (κοινωνία).


So an ectopolitan or delineate is a societal, or a Pythagorean animal, rather than a political, or Aristotelian animal, and is a koinonian person who is not a part of any government (ie, polities), or even part of a child of any government (ie, corporations).


Ideally, an ectopolitan or delineate can also be a multisocietal or polykoinonian person with other ectopolitical, or relatively independent-minded persons or entities, because he or she can be an ectopolitan who shares affinities with members, nationals, or delineates of other relatively independent organisations, or natural societies, also known as koinonies (κοινωνίες).


Non delineates or citizens, on the other hand, including most micronationalists or panarchists, are only interested in Aristotelian legal fictions, those things the Greeks called poleis (πόλεις) — plural of the word polis (πόλις), representing the ancient Greek fortress city or city-state.


The entities which are not legal fictions according to Cesidian societal-political science, and applied Cesidian law, such as individual human beings; families or households; extended families or clans; nations, congregations, or micronations; are the only things that matter to true ectopolitans or delineates.


MT Kaisiris Tallini




To make a long story short, Aristotelian extremophiles (‎‎08.02.2020) are people who essentially believe there is:


1. no family or clan outside of the archaic, primarily sex-based and -driven marriage, "holy matrimony", which is so holy that it is almost guaranteed to produce separation, divorce, and/or estrangement;

2. no true religion outside of monotheism, even though 7.7 billion fake gods are constantly asking for proof of the existence (link in Ectoitalian ⓘ) of a Much Higher Authority (God) than themselves all the time, and with a straight face;

3. no Christianity outside of some specific Bible version, specific biblical canon, specific rule by pope or patriarch, or highly questionable, even disingenuous, fake, and/or contradictory biblical narrative or interpretation (this is "deepfake Judaeo-Christianity"), even though Jesus specifically stated that he, and only he, is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life they should be seeking;

4. no natural or de facto society outside of legal or juridical entities only, even though they are all slave-holding and -making entities, all fake societies or koinonies [singular: koinonia (κοινωνία); plural: koinonies (κοινωνίες)];

5. no religious values outside of organised, tribal, and "Tower of Babel" or Babylonian religion;

6. no other kinds of values besides excessively materialistic, entropic, anti-societal, and/or sexist, ageist, and singleton-discriminating values;

7. no legitimate employer outside of government or company slave holders.





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